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Small Efforts Lead to Big Impact

Ongoing fundraising campaign


Give today!

This Giving Tuesday, Choose to Give Monthly. Our annual microdonations campaign aims to raise small, monthly donations from supporters like you so that we can help end poverty in the Philippines.

Small Efforts Lead to Big Impact
Small Efforts Lead to Big Impact

Time & Location

Ongoing fundraising campaign

Give today!

About the Event

Every small act of kindness, every effort, every amount, counts. Today, we urge you to give as little as $15 dollars a month. 

Small trade-offs like giving up 2 lattes or a take-out entree can provide bare essentials for those who have none.

To them, that $15 means a lot. During these times, it can spell the difference between life and death.

With a $15 monthly donation, you can choose how you want to help enable the poor and underprivileged to work their way out of poverty. You can opt to:

  • Feed a hungry child 20 nutritious meals a month
  • Help protect a family of four from COVID
  • Mold young leaders via online training in sports & leadership
  • Build up an emergency fund for disaster relief

Together, our monthly donations can add up to something truly big!

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