David and Chet Barclay were first moved to partner with Gawad Kalinga in 2013 after seeing families displaced by the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan.Â

Thanks to their generosity, 38 families were not left wallowing in misery. In December 2014,  joy was in the air as these families moved into decent houses they themselves helped build in San Isidro, Leyte. Â
Today, they make up GK Aurora Village, named in honor of Chet's mother. Since then, the Barclays, have continued to work with GK, mostly behind the scenes, whenever and wherever there was a need.
Now that millions around the world are facing a threat greater than a super typhoon, Chet and David have once again stepped up to help. COVID-19 may not ruin houses, or swallow cities, but it destroys lives, inflicts pain and hunger, and deprives people of livelihood. It robs them of HOPE – the one thing that the poor cling to to lift themselves out of poverty.
From the Bottom to the Top
There are a number of NGOs, both international and local, working on-ground in the Philippines, yet the Barclays have stuck with Gawad Kalinga through the years.
"I have not seen an organization where from the bottom tiers all the way to the top level, they actually work. When we were building the village in Tacloban, Luis (Oquiñena, Chairman of GK Philippines) was there working, and I'm thinking, wow, this is different. When they talk, they talk from their heart. There's no fluff. That’s what made me in awe of GK’s philosophy," says Chet.
David adds that, "The expertise, the focus is on the poorest of the poor. Those are the things that we value and think are extremely important. This is an organization that we have confidence in."
A Gift to Inspire: Doing Good Gets Doubled
The Barclays, staunch supporters of Gawad Kalinga, gifted GK USA with a substantial amount with a challenge to GK USA to match donations up to $50,000 until June 20. This is an excellent opportunity for supporters of GK USA to be a stronger force for good and will help bring us closer to our goal of helping 12,000 families during this crisis.
Barclays Matching Update:
Together, we have proven once again that our community is full of generous hearts. Thanks to David and Chet Barclay, and to all of you, we have raised $110,627.15 towards COVID-19 relief efforts in the Philippines.
You are truly a gift we are grateful for!

David explains, "The number of people you can impact in the Philippines, for a certain amount of money is multiples of what it would be here in the United States. So with our donation, it goes a longer way in terms of number of people being impacted."
Chet further adds, "I honestly think that if you are able, it would be good to go back and give. in the Philippines, there's much more to be done."
With the Barclays matching all donations until June 20 for up to $50,000, this is our chance to double the good and reach more families affected by this pandemic.
"The impact of the donation is so much more than what can be done here and the need is so much greater. It's a really great way of creating a big impact with your donation dollars," says David.
We are so very grateful to have Chet and David as our allies and our friends.
Their help, along with yours, will prove once again that when we work together to build sharing and caring communities, HOPE is multiplied.
