Maleta Library
Literacy begins with love for reading. Studies have shown that if a child is exposed to books at an early age, they will have higher levels of comprehension and creativity as they grow. Reading books also encourage their curiosity and love for learning. The GK Maleta Library is a program that will promote reading to poor children who have limited access to books. A suitcase of books is sent to a community where the kids get to borrow and enjoy them for 1 month before it is passed on to the next set of children who will benefit from them.
The nanays, kuyas, and ates of the community will manage the maleta library to ensure that the books are properly used and cared for.
Help us encourage the love for learning!
$ 500 to sponsor
one Maleta Library
A Maleta Library includes a carry-on suitcase full of books. The books will cover different reading levels to cater to the different ages of the children within a community.